Our Vision
The Ernest Mason Youth Foundation vision is outlined in our constitution:
The object of the Foundation shall be to help and educate young people resident in the City and County Borough of Birmingham and the neighbourhood through their leisure-time activities so to develop their physical, mental and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity as individuals and members of society and their conditions of life may be improved and for that purpose to establish and maintain the provision of youth clubs in or near the City and County Borough of Birmingham: Provided that preference shall be given to the provision of a youth club in or near the parish of St. Luke’s unless and until the Committee consider that such provision is unnecessary having regard to the needs of the said Parish.*
*This reflects the present day names and organisations. Please make contact if you would if you require the original wording within the constitution.
The Trustees seek to fulfil this vision through:
Maximising our financial capital in sustainable investments.
Give grants to local youth organisations who best deliver on our vision.
Facilitating resource and accountability for the youth organisation managing the Ernest Mason Youth Centre to deliver great youth work.